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El Necronomicon

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El mismo H.P. Lovecraft nego la existencia del libro, pero el horror del Necronomicon finalmente ha visto la luz. Escrito en el siglo XVIII en Damasco por el arabe Abdul Alhazred, esta repleto de mitos y rituales que han sobrevivido a los mas oscuros dias de magia y ocultismo: formulas largo tiempo perdidas para evocar cosas increibles, seres y monstruos. Su editor, Simon, tuvo que superar enormes obstaculos en su osado esfuerzo de iluminar ese, el mas famoso, el mas poderoso y potencialmente el mas peligroso Libro Negro conocido en el mundo occidental Este volumen incluye un apendice con las invocaciones y citas literales que aparecen en la obra de H.P. Lovecraft. / In the past 31 years, there has been a lot of inkactual and virtualspilled on the subject of the Necronomicon. Some have derided it as a clumsy hoax; others have praised it as a powerful grimoire. As the decades have passed, more information has come to light both on the book's origins and discovery, and on the information contained within its pages. The Necronomicon has been found to contain formula for spiritual trans-formation, consistent with some of the most ancient mystical processes in the world, processes that were not public knowledge when the book was first published, processes that involve communion with the stars. In spite of all the controversy, the first edition sold out before it was published. And it has never been out of print since then. It is one of the most feared, most reviled, and most desired occult book on the planet.

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